WQXR 96.3 FM is based in New York City, New York. WQXR is licensed to The New York Times. WQXR began broadcasting in 1936, it is one of the oldest continuously operating FM stations in the world. The New York Times bought the station in 1944. WQXR broadcasts from the top of the Empire State Building, and this station is one of the most listened-to classical music station in the United States, with an average quarter-hour audience of 63,000. As with most remaining classical music stations in the United States, WQXR‘s playlist has changed over the years, now it is focused on shorter and more easily assimilated pieces and away from long pieces and most vocal music including opera. WQXR does however play a fair amount of 20th century classical works. WQXR 96.3 FMprovides comprehensive classical music programming, combining original productions, distinctive specialty programs, live concert presentations and the talents of local and nationally-recognized hosts. WQXR broadcasts great works by the foremost composers, which are complemented by intriguing discoveries from the past and certainly the best of today’s compositions.
Examples of programs: Reflections from the Keyboard with David Dubal; Metropolitan Opera
The Office Hour
Contact: WQXR Listener Mail | 122 5TH AVE, 3RD FLOOR | New York, NY 10011
Phone: 212-633-7600 Fax: 212-633-7666
Email: listener.mail@wqxr.com