Arnold Schoenberg (13 September 1874 – 13 July 1951) was an Austrian and later American composer and he was a leader of the Second Viennese School. Schoenberg was known his pioneering innovations in atonality-during the rise of the Nazi party in Austria, he was the first modern composer, his music was labeled, alongside swing and jazz, as degenerate art. He famously developed twelve-tone technique, a widely influential compositional method of manipulating an ordered series of all twelve notes in the chromatic scale. Schoenberg used the formalization of compositional method, and he has a habit of openly inviting audiences to think analytically, all these facts are echoed in avant-garde musical thought throughout the 20th century. In Vienna on the first floor of Palais Fanto on Schwarzenbergplatz is situated The Arnold Schönberg Center, where there is Schoenberg’s archival legacy. The Arnold Schönberg Center provides comprehensive classical music programming, combining original productions and distinctive specialty programs. The Arnold Schönberg Center helps keep the arts thriving in our community by making wonderful classical music accessible to all.
Contact: Arnold Schönberg Center | Palais Fanto | Schwarzenbergplatz 6 (entrance: Zaunergasse 1)
A – 1030 Wien Tel.: +43-1-7121888 Fax: +43-1-7121888-88 E-Mail: